The atrium at sunset
Wide shot of the atrium at night
The stairs leading to the upper floors
Intricate details like this exist all throughout the museum
Reproduction lights that very closely mimic what we see in photos from the 40's
Upper floor stairs in black & white
Most details like the handrails were likely handcrafted
The phase II renovations saw many reproductions of original design elements such as this
The chandelier is the focal point of the atrium
The second floor in the atrium is fully finished and can be used for events.
For the beginning of its life as a museum, this wall represented the limit of what was open. Eventually, the entire first floor was opened to the pubilc
We have decorated the ticket counters with period baggage pieces
In some areas, you can still see the original hand laid brick the building is constructed from
Our gift shop area used to be used as a seating area for a small café. You can still see where the stools and counter were on the concrete
We have many airline galleries filled with interesting airline memorabilia