Museum friezes

San Angelo, Texas-based artist Dwight Holmes was contracted to provide several aviation-themed bas-reliefs that enhance the exterior of the terminal building.

Over each main entrance is a bewinged representation of the Roman god Mercury, bearing the dove of Peace and Torch of Knowledge, and sporting a leather aviator's helmet.

Circling the building is a repeating motif celebrating the past, present and future of aviation, as of 1940: an early biplane similar to a Wright Flyer, a DC-3 style twin-engine airliner, and a fanciful autogyro-like machine with a large overhead rotor. Lastly, a stylized aircraft tire-with-wings decorates the north and south exits of the building.

All photos below were provided by museum volunteer photographer Kevin McGowan


First Flight in Texas


The Houston Municipal Air Terminal, 1940-1954